Embarking on a career in bookkeeping or accounting, especially with a niche focus like restaurant accounting, is a journey filled with learning and growth. After honing your skills and maybe even deciding to specialize, the next pivotal step is landing your first job in this field. Let’s dive into practical strategies and tips to help you find your footing and kickstart your career. 

Embrace the Power of Networking 

In the world of bookkeeping and accounting, who you know can be just as important as what you know. Networking isn’t just about collecting business cards; it’s about building genuine relationships. 

  • Attend Industry Events: Whether it’s a seminar on the latest in restaurant finance or a local business meet-up, these events are goldmines for connections. 
  • Leverage Social Media: LinkedIn can be a powerful tool. Follow industry leaders, engage with content related to restaurant accounting, and don’t hesitate to reach out with thoughtful questions. 
  • Join Professional Groups: Associations for accountants and bookkeepers are not only fantastic for learning but also for meeting professionals who know of job openings. 

Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter 

Your resume and cover letter are your first impressions. Make them count. 

  • Highlight Relevant Skills: Emphasize any experience or knowledge you have in restaurant accounting. If you’ve taken specialized courses (like the upcoming “Profit First for Restaurants” certification), make sure they’re front and center. 
  • Customize Your Application: Show potential employers you’re not just looking for any job, but specifically a role in their company. Mention how your passion for the restaurant industry drives your accounting work. 

Gain Practical Experience 

Real-world experience speaks volumes. If you’re just starting out, this might seem like a Catch-22, but there are ways to build your resume. 

  • Internships: These can provide invaluable experience and sometimes even transition into full-time positions. 
  • Freelance or Volunteer Work: Offer your bookkeeping services to local restaurants or small businesses for a month or two. If they like what they see, they may hire you on!  This can help you gain practical experience and potentially lead to job offers. 

Use Job Boards Wisely 

While it’s tempting to apply for every bookkeeping or accounting job you find, focus on opportunities that align with your interests and skills, especially in the restaurant niche. 

  • Specialized Job Boards: Look for job listings on sites dedicated to the restaurant industry or finance professions. 
  • Set Up Alerts: Most job boards allow you to set up notifications for specific job titles or companies, helping you stay on top of new openings. 

Keep Learning and Stay Curious 

The field of accounting and bookkeeping is always evolving, especially within niche industries like restaurants. Continuous learning shows potential employers that you’re proactive and dedicated. 

  • Stay Updated: Keep abreast of the latest software, regulations, and trends in restaurant finance. 
  • Seek Feedback: Don’t shy away from constructive criticism. It’s a valuable tool for growth. 

Finding your first job as a bookkeeper or accountant is about combining your passion for the field with smart strategies for job hunting. By focusing on networking, tailoring your applications, gaining practical experience, and committing to continuous learning, you’re not just searching for a job; you’re laying the groundwork for a fulfilling career. 

Remember, every expert was once a beginner. Your journey into restaurant accounting starts with these first steps. Embrace the process, and the right opportunity will come your way. 


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