
Case Study 
Level + PLumb


  • Branding
  • Web Design
  • Email Integration

Welcome to our latest case study, where we delve into the journey of James Yunker and his company, Level + Plumb Construction.

Our Full Branding Package, coupled with a Squarespace Website and Email Lead Generation, helped James turn his vision into a powerful brand.

Creative Process

With our Branding Package, we set out to create a cohesive and impactful brand identity for Level + Plumb Construction. Our approach included:

James Yunker, the founder of Level + Plumb Construction, approached us with a clear goal: to establish a strong, recognizable brand that reflects the quality and precision of his construction services. However, like many in the construction industry, James faced the challenge of standing out in a crowded market and effectively communicating his company’s values to potential clients.

Brand Strategy

We started with an in-depth analysis of the market, competitors, and target audience to develop a brand strategy that aligns with James’s vision and business goals.

Visual Identity

We crafted a complete visual identity, including color palettes, typography, and design elements that ensure brand consistency across all platforms.

Website Creation

We designed and developed a user-friendly, visually appealing website that showcases Level + Plumb Construction’s services, portfolio, and client testimonials. The website is optimized for search engines and mobile devices, ensuring maximum reach and engagement.

Logo Design

Our team designed a unique and memorable logo that embodies the precision and reliability of Level + Plumb Construction.


We developed compelling brand messaging and taglines that clearly communicate the company’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Email Lead Generation

We created a free PDF for James to offer on his website that would capture email addresses for future campaigns in ConvertKit, and we created the accompanying nurture campaign.

The Results

The transformation was remarkable. Here’s what Level + Plumb Construction achieved with our Branding Package:

Increased Brand Recognition: The new brand identity has made Level + Plumb Construction easily recognizable and memorable among potential clients and industry peers.

Enhanced Credibility: The professional and cohesive brand image has significantly boosted the company’s credibility and trustworthiness.

Business Growth: With a stronger brand presence and a well-designed website, Level + Plumb Construction has seen a notable increase in client inquiries and project opportunities.

Effective Lead Generation: The automated email nurture sequence has effectively converted leads into loyal clients, ensuring a steady stream of business opportunities.

Ready to Build Your Brand?

Let’s turn your vision into reality – partner with us and watch your brand soar!