MINI Branding

Case Study
Ali F.


  • Branding
  • Web Design
  • Email Integration

Ali Fiorella is a certified nutritionist committed to guiding her clients towards healthier lifestyles through personalized nutrition plans and wellness strategies. With a focus on holistic health, Ali aims to empower individuals to make sustainable changes that lead to long-term well-being. Ali needed a professional brand identity that reflected her holistic approach and expertise in the field.

Creative Process


  • Develop a professional and cohesive brand identity for Ali Fiorella.

  • Create a logo that embodies Ali’s holistic approach to nutrition and wellness.

  • Select complementary colors and fonts that align with her brand values and vision.

  • Provide professional logo files in various formats for versatile use.

Ali approached us for a Mini Branding package to establish a cohesive and professional brand identity. The objective was to create a logo, select complementary colors and fonts, and provide professional logo files that Ali could use across her marketing materials and online presence.

Initial Consultation

We began with an initial consultation with Ali to understand her vision, target audience, and brand values. Ali emphasized the importance of conveying a sense of holistic health, balance, and approachability through her brand identity. We also discussed her preferences and any specific elements she wanted to incorporate into the logo.

Concept Development

Based on the insights gathered during the consultation, we developed two custom logo concepts for Ali to choose from. Each concept aimed to capture the essence of her brand while offering a unique visual representation. The concepts included:

  • Concept 1: A modern and elegant design featuring a stylized lotus flower, symbolizing balance and holistic health, combined with clean and sophisticated typography.

  • Concept 2: A friendly and approachable design with a focus on natural elements, incorporating a leaf motif and a warm, welcoming font.

Revisions and Refinement

Ali selected Concept 2 as her preferred logo design. We then worked through up to three rounds of revisions to refine the logo, ensuring it perfectly aligned with Ali’s vision and preferences. Adjustments included refining the leaf design and experimenting with different color variations to achieve the desired look and feel.

Complementary Colors and Fonts

To create a cohesive brand identity, we selected complementary colors and fonts that would work well across Ali’s marketing materials. The chosen color palette included soft greens and earthy tones, reflecting health and natural wellness. The fonts were chosen for their readability and friendly appearance, ensuring they complemented the logo design.

Delivery of Professional Logo Files

Once the logo design and complementary elements were finalized, we provided Ali with professional logo files in various formats, including vector files (EPS) and high-resolution PNG and JPG files. These files ensured Ali could use her new logo seamlessly across different platforms and marketing materials.

The Results

The Mini Branding project for Ali Fiorella resulted in a professional and cohesive brand identity that effectively conveyed her holistic approach and expertise.

Key achievements included:

  • A visually appealing and memorable logo that resonated with Ali’s target audience.
  • A cohesive color palette and font selection that enhanced the overall brand identity.
  • Positive feedback from clients and peers, praising the professional and approachable design.
  • Increased brand recognition and trust, contributing to the growth of Ali’s client base.

Ready to Build Your Brand?

Let’s turn your vision into reality – partner with us and watch your brand soar!